Tuesday, May 1, 2018


Michael Manuel of Stoneville, NC custom built this awesome rat rod. This rat rod started out as a 1947 Ford Pickup. The new chassis was hand fabricated to fit the original truck body and painted a beautiful emerald green. The body and the vintage grill was painted a flat white to contrast the bright green chassis. The doors of the truck were lettered with Manuel's Garage which was carried on by Michael Manuel, the 3rd generation of Manuels to run the garage. The rat rod was finished off with a 1994 Ford 302 engine, a 5 speed transmission with a hand grenade shift knob and white wall tires. The total project took four years to build. The photos below show some of the steps of the project. The finished rat rod was well worth the work involved. Michael sold this a few years ago. Maybe we will see another project down the road. Michael Manuel is also the man behind the Aaron Manuel Memorial Cruise-In held in Stoneville the 3rd Friday of every month from April to September each year. The Cruise-In is in honor of Michael's dad Aaron. Proceeds go to a local cancer fund. Click on the images to see larger views.

1 comment:

  1. My partner and I are going to pick this truck up next weekend. SCORE!!
